LiftMaster Siren Operated Sensor - 50-SOS12

The Siren Operated Sensor, also called SOS makes all gates accessible to emergency services.
Part Number: 50-SOS12
$459.04 each
$459.04 each


LiftMaster Siren Operated Sensor - 50-SOS12

The Siren Operated Sensor is a special device that greatly effects how emergency vehicles enter into facilities that have automatic gate systems. Through unqiue technology the SOS is capable of opening up any gate when a siren is detected to allow for emergency vehicles to easily enter.

The Federal Communication Commision does require that the SOS comply with Par 15 of its rule which states that the device must not cause harmful interference and must accept interference that may cause undesired operation. Due to this, the SOS is only adviced to be used in comercial and industrial settings. If used on a residential gate the system may cause radio interference and the homeowner will have to correct the issue at their own expense.

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SKU 50-SOS12
Product Type Sensor
Manufacturer LiftMaster